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Athlete Interview: Peter Tierney

First up – Tell us a bit about yourself. 
I’m Irish but long term settled in Singapore – arrived for 3 weeks in 1993 and still here! My wife is Singaporean and we have 2 great teenage boys rapidly approaching NS age. I have been dabbling in endurance sports since running SCM in 2006 and flailed my way through a few full mara’s and 70.3 tris. An Ironman has always been out there, quietly beckoning, and as I approached the magic 50th birthday – I decided I needed to do something about it.
How did you feel crossing the line of your 1st Ironman?   
Absolutely sensational! Overwhelmed by th

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ironguides newsletter – E-Kick May 2016



Our eKick this month has a variety of articles to help you with your training and racing! Check it out.

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May 2016

Have you wondered what type of training the professionals triathletes do on the bike that can be useful for the everyday age grouper? Watch our video and learn more about it.

Read also our articles on how to deal with the challenges of ironman training, and learn the benefits of strength to endurance athletes

Enjoy the read,
ironguides team

Video: The triathlon cycling workout of World Champions 

The below video explains a very simple yet important workout that will take your cycling to the next level and will also help your swim and run training since this will boost your recovery when positioned after your endurance sessions via hormonal balance (an anabolic stimulus after a catabolic endurance training): Read article and watch video.

Articles from the Coaches

 Speed: A Key Skill for Every Endurance Athlete – Coach Woody

Conventional wisdom and training practices have created a void between coaching of endurance sports and that of high-skill sports such as basketball and soccer. Are these sports really so different in their demands and as such should the training be so different? In endurance sports it seems almost set in stone that any program must start with building a base, aimed at spending all available training time logging slow easy miles to build aerobic fitness. This practice has even created a paranoia and fear of speed sessions and interval work. (more)

  Navigating the Ups and Downs of Ironman Training – Coach Shem

The Ironman training cycle is a crazy rollercoaster ride that can take you from good days, filled with hope and confidence to nightmare “off” days that will leave even the fittest athlete discouraged and questioning their ability to even cross the finish line. This article offers advice on how to spot the patterns of overtraining and how to minimise the “down” days for a more balanced, manageable and effective training cycle. (more)

  Strength Training: Benefits for Endurance Athletes – Coach Woody

The topic of strength training in endurance sports is always a controversial one, with some coaches avoiding it at all costs and others praising it as the key to success. Over the past few years strength training has really started to make a big comeback; almost every magazine dedicated to endurance sports will have a section on strength training. Articles in this section always relay the same message: functional exercises are the only type of strength work that will benefit endurance athletes. (more)

Our Coaching Services

Event and distance-based training plans to help you achieve your goal: a one-stop shopping experience that will ensure the right preparation for your chosen target race. Follow the plan and you’ll be ready! (more)

If you’re looking for the most personalized training plan and coaching advice, this is the program for you. We offer Basic, Complete and Premium Online Coaching. High performance athletes, this is for you! (more)

At $39USD/month, Our monthly subscription plans offer a more tailored approach focusing on different disciplines and levels. We offer, for example, a Beginner Triathlon subscription plan, or a Swim-focus Triathlon program, and a Run-focus Triathlon program. Great value! (more)

Special Offer: 20-Week Ironman Plans Advanced Level – Your ticket to Kona and a Personal Best – Only 145USD

The ironguides 20-week Ironman Distance Triathlon Training Manual provides all the information you need to successfully prepare for your next Ironman. It’s effective, efficient, safe and fun. Based on The Method, a sophisticated yet simple way of training high-performing athletes developed in more than two decades, this plan will give you all you need to be ready physically and mentally for your next challenge.. (more)

“Twelve months ago I decided to do Ironman China with the aim of maybe qualifying for the World Championships in Kona. I purchased the ironguides 20-week Ironman program, and followed it reasonably closely for the 20 weeks leading up to the Ironman. Well, it worked!! I finished in 9:52 – the 2nd fastest age group time at the race – and I confirmed my spot at the World Championships in Hawaii. Woo hoo!!!” – David Bently, ironguides athlete at Ironman China 2010

Qualify to the World Championships with our Personalized Online Coaching packages 

Life can be hectic. That doesn’t mean training for and racing in triathlons is impossible. If you’re a busy person, whether a novice or an experienced athlete, this is the training option for you. Your ironguides Coach will develop a training routine that is tailored to your limited amount of time available for swimming, cycling and running. You will receive time-efficient workouts. You’ll be amazed at the quality of training you can do when time comes at a premium. This training plan will be tailored to your agenda and fit into your busy routine. In fact, many of our athletes fit into this category—with time-consuming corporate jobs and young families—because triathletes typically tend to be high achievers and we at ironguides know all about that.. (more)


“When I signed up for ironguides, my goal was to break 11 hours in a full Ironman and break five hours in a half Ironman while still juggling with my professional & personal life. ironguides helped me achieve both of of them. I owe this to the carefully built training plans from my coach and from the confidence I had in the approach. As a bonus I also learned that triathlon is not only about the numbers but it became my lifestyle & passion! ” – Vagner Bessa

Bike Focus Training Plan – Only $39/month

The ironguides Bike Focus Triathlon Training Subscription program is perfect for the athlete who struggles with sluggish, uninspired cycling splits in their triathlon results. Much of your training time will focus on building bike strength and power, while maintaining or somewhat improving swim and run skills. The Bike Focus program teaches you to ride “triathlon style” so that you conserve your run muscles and glycogen, control your heart rate, and leave your fast twitch fibers ready for a strong run. The program follows the principles and structure of The Method to ensure quality training and full day-to-day recovery..

“I’ve always been self-coached but didn’t want the commitment of a coach while I was interested in following a structure that works. The subscription service is a great idea as I’m still able to train using The Method, while it fits my budget and gives me flexibility to change the focus from single discipline to the balanced programme as I progress into the season”
Keegan Scott

Free eBook: ironguides’ Triathlon Secrets, a superb tri resource

Download ironguides’ free ebook Triathlon Secrets and discover the secrets of Olympic medalists and Ironman champions.

Excerpts from Triathlon Secrets:

… an obsession with data took hold of me and began to displace the spontaneous joy I used to experience in training…

…The Method meant learning to read the body’s signals and knowing to trust one’s own intuitive understanding…

…enables you to develop a broad feel for the workings of your body. Like life, training by The Method is a qualitative experience!

…don’t waste time or energy readjusting to new, haphazard sessions and reconfiguring weekly schedules…

…train to maximum efficiency (for your situation) while optimizing recovery… [more]

Tri Gear

ironguides updated catalogue!  Check the photos out below or download our catalogue for more details. 

In This Issue

 Articles from the Coaches  

Featured ironguides athletes around the world 

 Coaching Service Offers 
 Free eBook: ironguides’ Triathlon Secrets
 ironguides ffiliate programme 

 Tri Gear

Website Refresh

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Video: The triathlon cycling workout of World Champions

By Vinnie Santana, online Coach,

I don’t believe in Magic formulas or secret training workouts, improving in triathlon is a result of years of consistent training and hard work.

However, training smart can have an impact on your development in the sport, it can be the difference of maxing out your full potential, achieving your goals becoming a great athlete (regardless of your level and goals) to failing to achieve your goals and quitting.

The below video explains a very simple yet important workout that will take your cycling to the next level and will also help your swim and run training since this will boost your recovery when positioned after your endurance sessions via hormonal balance (an anabolic stimulus after a catabolic endurance training).

The first person who introduced me to this workout was ironguides founder Marc Becker in 2013, who after years of working in the corporate world saw the opportunity to add this workout year long to most of the training plans we use at ironguides.

As a professional athlete from 2004 and 2007, I was also introduced to this workout and some variations of it by my former coach Brett Sutton, who coached multiple Ironman World Champions and Olympic Medalist and who is a big believer in low cadence riding.

Then working as a coach, I took part a workshop by former ITU World Champion Sheila Taormina, who also referred to this workout as the most important session she would do on the bike.

Most recently Chris McCormack a 4x World Champion also mentioned on his podcast this is a type of training every professional triathlete has on their training plans.

Enjoy your training


Train with ironguides!

Personalized Online Coaching:  Starting at USD190/month

Monthly Training plans (for all levels, or focused on one discipline): Only USD39/months

Event based training plans:

Sprint Distance (USD45 for 8-week plan)

Olympic Distance (USD65 for 12 week plan)

Half Ironman (R$95 for 16-week plan)

Ironman (USD145 for 20-week plan)

X-Terra (USD65 for 12-week plan)

Running Plans (10k, 21k and 42k – starting at USD40)

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ironguides e-Kick: April 2016 Newsletter



Our eKick this month has a variety of articles to help you with your training and racing! Check it out.

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April 2016

Want to learn the easiest possible way to improve your swim technique? Watch our video below.

We also like to explore all extremes, learn the benefits of treadmill running and also how to maximize your running off-roads with our 101 trail running manual.

Don’t miss out our articles on ironman training & a free 12-week training plan for first timers.

Enjoy the read,
ironguides team

Video: 3 steps to a faster swim 

I’ve been coaching a triathlon club for almost ten years and a very common mistake I see people doing is looking ahead / up, as they swim, this only makes their legs sink, creating more drag and slowing them down. The steps below will force you to swim at an appropriate technique, when it comes to head position and how your upper body can impact where your legs will be in the water: Read article and watch video.

Articles from the Coaches

 Coach Woody: Ironman Training – Spring Mistakes

Having trained well all winter and in good shape we need to take a step back and make sure we do not get carried away with this boost in motivation. Your training plan may well have changed to coincide with the arrival of spring and the impending race season and with these changes there are some often ignored elements that need to be taken into consideration. (more)

 Coach Vinnie: The Benefits of the Treadmill

Most of the people I coach are encouraged to make heavy use of the treadmill, especially if they are based in big cities with limited access to good running venues. I can tell you that a few professional world champions have run almost exclusively on the treadmill for long stretches and come off running faster than ever. How does a treadmill contribute so much to improved run skills? (more)

 Coach Woody: Ironman Performance – Preparation races and training through a race

While training is ramping up and the focus must be on following your program training races are also of great importance at this time. One of the mistakes a lot of people make at this time is thinking they need to do lots of endurance events as practice, i believe the complete opposite to be true. An endurance event such as a half ironman is very demanding on the body and will cause a major disruption to your training plan both before and significantly after the event. (more)

 Coach Shem: Trail Running 101

No matter what level of runner you are, as long as you don’t suffer from chronic ankle, knee or back injuries, there is a trail out there with your name on it just waiting to be discovered. Beginners should start with ‘easier’ trails of simple packed dirt or grass tracks to get a feel for the softer and less stable ground underfoot. The Green Corridor is a good place to start conditioning your knees and ankles for a bumpier ride. You would also be wise to aim for a conservative distance that you can complete with confidence. To the uninitiated, trail running is tough and a shorter distance can feel like the equivalent of a longer run on the road. (more)

 Coach Woody: Performing on race day

We all head into the race differently, though rarely in a completely perfect scenario: we may be a kilogram heavier than we would like, have missed one long run or long bike, taken too little rest or did too much travel. There is always something but come race day we all need to realize there is nothing we can do to change our current circumstances.. (more)

Our Coaching Services

Event and distance-based training plans to help you achieve your goal: a one-stop shopping experience that will ensure the right preparation for your chosen target race. Follow the plan and you’ll be ready! (more)

If you’re looking for the most personalized training plan and coaching advice, this is the program for you. We offer Basic, Complete and Premium Online Coaching. High performance athletes, this is for you! (more)

At $39USD/month, Our monthly subscription plans offer a more tailored approach focusing on different disciplines and levels. We offer, for example, a Beginner Triathlon subscription plan, or a Swim-focus Triathlon program, and a Run-focus Triathlon program. Great value! (more)

Free Training Plan Guidelines: 12-Week to your first triathlon 

There are many ways to combine three sports and train for a triathlon. Whether this is your first race or you have already a few seasons under your belt, here’s a simple approach that will ensure you’re ship shape in twelve weeks, without resorting to expensive tools and leaving room to mix it up from week to week. (Read more)

Special Offer: 20-Week Ironman Plans Advanced Level – Your ticket to Kona and a Personal Best – Only 145USD

The ironguides 20-week Ironman Distance Triathlon Training Manual provides all the information you need to successfully prepare for your next Ironman. It’s effective, efficient, safe and fun. Based on The Method, a sophisticated yet simple way of training high-performing athletes developed in more than two decades, this plan will give you all you need to be ready physically and mentally for your next challenge.. (more)

“Twelve months ago I decided to do Ironman China with the aim of maybe qualifying for the World Championships in Kona. I purchased the ironguides 20-week Ironman program, and followed it reasonably closely for the 20 weeks leading up to the Ironman. Well, it worked!! I finished in 9:52 – the 2nd fastest age group time at the race – and I confirmed my spot at the World Championships in Hawaii. Woo hoo!!!” – David Bently, ironguides athlete at Ironman China 2010

Qualify to the World Championships with our Personalized Online Coaching packages 

Life can be hectic. That doesn’t mean training for and racing in triathlons is impossible. If you’re a busy person, whether a novice or an experienced athlete, this is the training option for you. Your ironguides Coach will develop a training routine that is tailored to your limited amount of time available for swimming, cycling and running. You will receive time-efficient workouts. You’ll be amazed at the quality of training you can do when time comes at a premium. This training plan will be tailored to your agenda and fit into your busy routine. In fact, many of our athletes fit into this category—with time-consuming corporate jobs and young families—because triathletes typically tend to be high achievers and we at ironguides know all about that.. (more)


“When I signed up for ironguides, my goal was to break 11 hours in a full Ironman and break five hours in a half Ironman while still juggling with my professional & personal life. ironguides helped me achieve both of of them. I owe this to the carefully built training plans from my coach and from the confidence I had in the approach. As a bonus I also learned that triathlon is not only about the numbers but it became my lifestyle & passion! ” – Vagner Bessa

Bike Focus Training Plan – Only $39/month

The ironguides Bike Focus Triathlon Training Subscription program is perfect for the athlete who struggles with sluggish, uninspired cycling splits in their triathlon results. Much of your training time will focus on building bike strength and power, while maintaining or somewhat improving swim and run skills. The Bike Focus program teaches you to ride “triathlon style” so that you conserve your run muscles and glycogen, control your heart rate, and leave your fast twitch fibers ready for a strong run. The program follows the principles and structure of The Method to ensure quality training and full day-to-day recovery..

“I’ve always been self-coached but didn’t want the commitment of a coach while I was interested in following a structure that works. The subscription service is a great idea as I’m still able to train using The Method, while it fits my budget and gives me flexibility to change the focus from single discipline to the balanced programme as I progress into the season”
Keegan Scott

Free eBook: ironguides’ Triathlon Secrets, a superb tri resource

Download ironguides’ free ebook Triathlon Secrets and discover the secrets of Olympic medalists and Ironman champions.

Excerpts from Triathlon Secrets:

… an obsession with data took hold of me and began to displace the spontaneous joy I used to experience in training…

…The Method meant learning to read the body’s signals and knowing to trust one’s own intuitive understanding…

…enables you to develop a broad feel for the workings of your body. Like life, training by The Method is a qualitative experience!

…don’t waste time or energy readjusting to new, haphazard sessions and reconfiguring weekly schedules…

…train to maximum efficiency (for your situation) while optimizing recovery… [more]

Tri Gear

ironguides updated catalogue!  Check the photos out below or download our catalogue for more details. 

In This Issue

 Articles from the Coaches  

Featured ironguides athletes around the world 

 Coaching Service Offers 
 Free eBook: ironguides’ Triathlon Secrets
 ironguides ffiliate programme 

 Tri Gear

Website Refresh

We refreshed our website! Did you notice? Check out our new look at

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ironguides Newsletter: The E-Kick March 2016



Our eKick this month has a variety of articles to help you with your training and racing! Check it out.

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March 2016

Have you been confused recently with all the swimming advice that is out there? This edition of the e-kick is focused on swimming, often an overlooked part of triathlon training but that can have an impact on both your bike and run splits.

Enjoy the read,
ironguides team

Video: Complete guide (with video) to swimming technique and training 

While the swim portion of the ironman may only represent 10 percent of the race, it does play a significant role in the outcome. The time taken to exit the water is just a fraction of the whole picture of performance— the state in which we exit the water and how much energy is expended during the swim is critical to the overall performance at the end of the day. There are two key elements to the swim: technique and fitness. Different combinations of these elements can lead to very different results: Read article and watch video.

Articles from the Coaches

 Coach Woody: Ironman Training – Time to review and listen to your body

While the race season is indeed approaching rapidly in training terms it is still quite a way in the distance and now is not the time to be training all guns blazing with the end goal in sight! Most of you will be training for a major Ironman race mid summer which is likely to be around 5-6 months away still and right now your focus should still be on building the base of speed and strength before any major endurance work begins.. (more)

 Coach Vinnie: The Complete Guide for Triathlon Running – How to Train and Race

The run leg of a triathlon is generally seen as a relationship of “love or hate” by athletes. For a large number of triathletes with a running background and some experience in the discipline, it can be their favorite leg of a race, but there is also the second group, those originating from swimming and cycling, who are faced with a new challenge in the race, and the run leg can be the Achilles heel within the sport. The article is a guide for both the experienced or beginner runner. You will learn about the main running workouts within a specific training schedule for triathlon and you will also learn the best race day strategy according to your background, body type and swim/ bike fitness. (more)

 Coach Shem: Power meter for Dummies

Do you have a power meter but isn’t quite sure on the best way to use it? Are you considering buying a power meter? Are you getting burn out from all the data oriented training your training have became since you started using the power meter? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this article is for you.. (more)

Our Coaching Services

Event and distance-based training plans to help you achieve your goal: a one-stop shopping experience that will ensure the right preparation for your chosen target race. Follow the plan and you’ll be ready! (more)

If you’re looking for the most personalized training plan and coaching advice, this is the program for you. We offer Basic, Complete and Premium Online Coaching. High performance athletes, this is for you! (more)

At $39USD/month, Our monthly subscription plans offer a more tailored approach focusing on different disciplines and levels. We offer, for example, a Beginner Triathlon subscription plan, or a Swim-focus Triathlon program, and a Run-focus Triathlon program. Great value! (more)

Special Offer: 20-Week Ironman Plans Advanced Level – Only 145USD

The ironguides 20-week Ironman Distance Triathlon Training Manual provides all the information you need to successfully prepare for your next Ironman. It’s effective, efficient, safe and fun. Based on The Method, a sophisticated yet simple way of training high-performing athletes developed in more than two decades, this plan will give you all you need to be ready physically and mentally for your next challenge.. (more)

“Twelve months ago I decided to do Ironman China with the aim of maybe qualifying for the World Championships in Kona. I purchased the ironguides 20-week Ironman program, and followed it reasonably closely for the 20 weeks leading up to the Ironman. Well, it worked!! I finished in 9:52 – the 2nd fastest age group time at the race – and I confirmed my spot at the World Championships in Hawaii. Woo hoo!!!” – David Bently, ironguides athlete at Ironman China 2010

Qualify to the World Championships with our Personalized Online Coaching packages 

Life can be hectic. That doesn’t mean training for and racing in triathlons is impossible. If you’re a busy person, whether a novice or an experienced athlete, this is the training option for you. Your ironguides Coach will develop a training routine that is tailored to your limited amount of time available for swimming, cycling and running. You will receive time-efficient workouts. You’ll be amazed at the quality of training you can do when time comes at a premium. This training plan will be tailored to your agenda and fit into your busy routine. In fact, many of our athletes fit into this category—with time-consuming corporate jobs and young families—because triathletes typically tend to be high achievers and we at ironguides know all about that.. (more)


“When I signed up for ironguides, my goal was to break 11 hours in a full Ironman and break five hours in a half Ironman while still juggling with my professional & personal life. ironguides helped me achieve both of of them. I owe this to the carefully built training plans from my coach and from the confidence I had in the approach. As a bonus I also learned that triathlon is not only about the numbers but it became my lifestyle & passion! ” – Vagner Bessa

Off-Season Training Plan – Only $39/month

The Off Season Triathlon Training Subscription Plan suits all athletes who are looking for a reduced training volume while maintaining sport-specific skills in each sport. The plan is designed to provide recovery from the racing season with enough training to ensure you maintain hard-won motor skills, and flexibility that ensures you can easily opt out and enjoy other sports and activities in your post-season recovery. The program provides a light, balanced training mix using the structure and principles The Method to keep you feeling light and snappy until it’s time to pick up the training again.

“I’ve always been self-coached but didn’t want the commitment of a coach while I was interested in following a structure that works. The subscription service is a great idea as I’m still able to train using The Method, while it fits my budget and gives me flexibility to change the focus from single discipline to the balanced programme as I progress into the season”
Keegan Scott

Free eBook: ironguides’ Triathlon Secrets, a superb tri resource

Download ironguides’ free ebook Triathlon Secrets and discover the secrets of Olympic medalists and Ironman champions.

Excerpts from Triathlon Secrets:

… an obsession with data took hold of me and began to displace the spontaneous joy I used to experience in training…

…The Method meant learning to read the body’s signals and knowing to trust one’s own intuitive understanding…

…enables you to develop a broad feel for the workings of your body. Like life, training by The Method is a qualitative experience!

…don’t waste time or energy readjusting to new, haphazard sessions and reconfiguring weekly schedules…

…train to maximum efficiency (for your situation) while optimizing recovery… [more]

Tri Gear

ironguides updated catalogue!  Check the photos out below or download our catalogue for more details. 

In This Issue

 Articles from the Coaches  

Featured ironguides athletes around the world 

 Coaching Service Offers 
 Free eBook: ironguides’ Triathlon Secrets
 ironguides ffiliate programme 

 Tri Gear

Website Refresh

We refreshed our website! Did you notice? Check out our new look at

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ironguides Triathlon: The e-Kick January 2016



Our eKick this month has a variety of articles to help you with your training and racing! Check it out.

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January 2016

Dear athletes,

January’s edition of the e-kick is all about understanding the importance of the off-season and how to transition into the new year – doing the right mix now can make your break your 2016 season.

Enjoy the read,
ironguides team

Articles from the Coaches

 Coach Woody: Gain Weight for Improved Performance

We seem to have a non stop stream of articles in the triathlon media regarding weight loss and getting down to race weight, how to plan your year to be lean and light for race day. Having worked with athletes of all levels from beginner to ironman winning pro athletes i have to ask the question is lightest and leanest always the best solution for race day?. (more)

 Coach Vinnie: Off-season – Race is over, now what?

Your last race of the season is behind you and it is time to take that well deserved break. However you know how much work you put in to get to where you are right now, and if you would like to preserve most of your new fitness level, you should stay active in the off-season while you train certain things.. (more)

 Coach Shem: Recovery 101

This article is for the newer triathlete who has got bitten by the bug and is starting to train every day. As your training volume increases to 8 – 10 hours or more a week, and you are getting familiar with mixing up your perceived effort levels, the issue of recovery becomes important. (more)

 Coach Woody: Off-Season: Start with the most important step

At ironguides, our whole philosophy is based upon improving one step at a time or, as we like to call it, brick by brick. ironguides Coach Alun ‘Woody’ Woodward offers superb advice on using the off-season to get a headstart on making the season the best it can be.  (more)

 Coach Woody: Does Speed Kill?

It’s that all important and exciting time of the year again for all of us, the race season is well and truly done now and hopefully you have all had a period of rest and chilling out letting the body recover from the stresses of training and racing. This time of year is exciting as we are looking forward to new goals and setting a training plan up to help achieve them.  (more)

Our Coaching Services

Event and distance-based training plans to help you achieve your goal: a one-stop shopping experience that will ensure the right preparation for your chosen target race. Follow the plan and you’ll be ready! (more)

If you’re looking for the most personalized training plan and coaching advice, this is the program for you. We offer Basic, Complete and Premium Online Coaching. High performance athletes, this is for you! (more)

At $49USD/month, Our monthly subscription plans offer a more tailored approach focusing on different disciplines and levels. We offer, for example, a Beginner Triathlon subscription plan, or a Swim-focus Triathlon program, and a Run-focus Triathlon program. Great value! (more)

Special Offer: 20-Week Ironman Plans Advanced Level – Only 145USD

The ironguides 16-week Half Ironman Distance Triathlon Training Manual provides all the information you need to successfully prepare for your next Half Ironman Triathlon. It’s effective, efficient, safe and fun. Based on The Method, a sophisticated yet simple way of training high-performing athletes developed in more than two decades, this plan will give you all you need to be ready physically and mentally for your next challenge.. (more)

“I trained for and completed my first race, the 2011 Steelhead Whirlpool 70.3 Ironman in August 2011. Thank you for your training materials on your website. I am 28 years old and insulin-dependent diabetic. I have never thought about an endurance event, much less an Ironman. I became desperate for advice and everyone else seemed clueless. Without your advice I wouldn’t be an official Ironman finisher. Thank you, ironguides!” – Matthew Strayer, November 2011

Qualify to the World Championships with our Personalized Online Coaching packages 

Life can be hectic. That doesn’t mean training for and racing in triathlons is impossible. If you’re a busy person, whether a novice or an experienced athlete, this is the training option for you. Your ironguides Coach will develop a training routine that is tailored to your limited amount of time available for swimming, cycling and running. You will receive time-efficient workouts. You’ll be amazed at the quality of training you can do when time comes at a premium. This training plan will be tailored to your agenda and fit into your busy routine. In fact, many of our athletes fit into this category—with time-consuming corporate jobs and young families—because triathletes typically tend to be high achievers and we at ironguides know all about that.. (more)


“My position as a CFO requires me to work 60 hours per week. My family commitments are my wife and three sons, aged 16, 14 and 2.5. ironguides provides me with customized training plans which are structured around my busy work schedule. These training plans have helped me maintain a high level of training volume with no injury down-time. My coach also provides helpful nutritional advice and adapts my plans as and when my work demands result in increased stress levels. I decided to work with ironguides in 2009 after I registered for my first Ironman. Since I was returning to the sport, after a 20+-year absence, I believed that ironguides would structure a customized training program for me which would enable me achieve my lifetime goal of completing an Ironman, which I accomplished. My first race under ironguides was 2009 Ironman 70.3 Philippines with a first place finish in the 45-49 age group. ” – Bill Dobson, ironguides Athlete, CFO & father of 3

Off-Season Training Plan – Only $49/month

The Off Season Triathlon Training Subscription Plan suits all athletes who are looking for a reduced training volume while maintaining sport-specific skills in each sport. The plan is designed to provide recovery from the racing season with enough training to ensure you maintain hard-won motor skills, and flexibility that ensures you can easily opt out and enjoy other sports and activities in your post-season recovery. The program provides a light, balanced training mix using the structure and principles The Method to keep you feeling light and snappy until it’s time to pick up the training again.

“I’ve always been self-coached but didn’t want the commitment of a coach while I was interested in following a structure that works. The subscription service is a great idea as I’m still able to train using The Method, while it fits my budget and gives me flexibility to change the focus from single discipline to the balanced programme as I progress into the season”
Keegan Scott

Free eBook: ironguides’ Triathlon Secrets, a superb tri resource

Download ironguides’ free ebook Triathlon Secrets and discover the secrets of Olympic medalists and Ironman champions.

Excerpts from Triathlon Secrets:

… an obsession with data took hold of me and began to displace the spontaneous joy I used to experience in training…

…The Method meant learning to read the body’s signals and knowing to trust one’s own intuitive understanding…

…enables you to develop a broad feel for the workings of your body. Like life, training by The Method is a qualitative experience!

…don’t waste time or energy readjusting to new, haphazard sessions and reconfiguring weekly schedules…

…train to maximum efficiency (for your situation) while optimizing recovery… [more]

Tri Gear

ironguides updated catalogue!  Check the photos out below or download our catalogue for more details. 

In This Issue

 Articles from the Coaches  

Featured ironguides athletes around the world 

 Coaching Service Offers 
 Free eBook: ironguides’ Triathlon Secrets
 ironguides ffiliate programme 

 Tri Gear

Website Refresh

We refreshed our website! Did you notice? Check out our new look at

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ironguides: The E-Kick Ironman Kona Special (September 2015)



Our eKick this month has a variety of articles to help you with your training and racing! Check it out.

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September 2015

Dear athletes,

With two weeks to the Ironman World Championships, it’s time to talk Ironman Hawaii!

This newlsetter will provide you all the information you need to know about the race in Kona, if you are a beginner triathlete, learn the blueprint to get there, if you are racing in Kona, learn more about the course. Meet and get inspired by our athletes racing in Kona this year and that have been on the podium in Kona in the past.

Enjoy the read,

ironguides team

Articles from the Coaches

 Coach Woody: Road to Kona: Picking the Right Course

We are at a point where registration for the new Ironman season is open and this is an important time for athletes looking at qualifying for Kona in the next season: not only does following the races provide a chance to see what sort of performance is required in your age group at the various events, the days – or even hours – immediately after can also be the only opportunity to enter them for the next year as registration comes online and sells out fast. (more)

 Coach Vinnie: Ironman Hawaii – Course review 

With Ironman Hawaii just around the corner, athletes are now onto their final and specific training block leading into the race. This article is an overview of the training strategy and key workouts we use to coach our athletes taking part in the race. (more)

 Coach Woody: Ironman Performance – Kona

Preparing for an Ironman event requires a great deal of training and preparation just to get to the finish line, for some of us though our goals go way beyond finishing and more so looking for performance and being competitive. (more)

 Coach Vinnie: Increase your chances for a Kona slot

Every year a few weeks ahead of Kona all triathletes start to get excited about the big show, wondering if one day they could be a part of the Ironman World Championships as a competitor themselves. Having done the race when I was a professional triathlete and having worked with many athletes who qualified for the race in the past few years, I have found there are some very clear rules on what it takes to qualify – apart from hard work.. (more)

 Coach Shem: Runner to Triathlete

As a runner armed with a decent level of fitness, you may be feeling curious (and confident) to see what these crazy triathletes are up to. After all, how hard can it be to dive into the sea for a little dip (750m), hop on a bike for a cruisey ride (20km) and finish up with little jog (5km)—just to say you’ve done a triathlon. (more)

Profiles: Featured ironguides athlete in Kona 2015 

If you are training for your first ironman, your only and main goal should be to complete the distance. Anything other than that is a bonus, no exception. To have any performance goals on your first race is a very risky strategy, since you will be focus on the outcome of the race instead on executing the important steps to do the best you can. However, once in a while some first timers can do extremely well in their first attempt, the story below is from Lyndsey Fraser, a Scottish national living in Bangkok and working full time as a teacher, who I coached to her first ironman in Taiwan 2015. Lyndsey won her age group (F25-29) by less than one minute and took her qualifying slot to the ironman world championships in Kona, Hawaii.  (more)

How to get on the Podium 2x in Kona – The story of an ironguides athlete 

Ironman Hawaii has been run and won. It was great to be on the ground supporting all ironguides athletes on race day. We had excellent results for all the 11 ironguides athletes who competed. When it comes to high performance, the 2nd place of Luiz Topan in the M45-49 age group, with a 9hr 17 finish, stands out. Here is what it takes to get to that level in terms of planning, training and executing it all on race day.  (more)

Special Offer: 20-Week Ironman Plans Advanced Level – Only 145USD

If you are a high performance amateur triathlete but you can’t afford hiring a coach, you have now the option to buy our advanced level training plans. Based on the same principles that have generated a Hawaii Ironman winner, multiple Olympic medallists, ITU Triathlon World Champions and World Cup winners, The Method ensures optimal training for each athlete, no matter your background. (more)


“Twelve months ago I decided to do Ironman China with the aim of maybe qualifying for the World Championships in Kona. I purchased the ironguides 20-week Ironman program, and followed it reasonably closely for the 20 weeks leading up to the Ironman. Well, it worked!! I finished in 9:52 – the 2nd fastest age group time at the race – and I confirmed my spot at the World Championships in Hawaii. Woo hoo!!!” – David Bentley, ironguides Athlete, March 2010

Qualify to the World Championships with our Personalized Online Coaching packages 

Your ironguides Coach will help you decide on your plan of attack. This includes selecting a qualifier race with a course and timing that suits your strengths, schedule and other life circumstances. Your coach will develop a long-term strategic plan that is completely focused on successful qualification for the world championship of your choice. Your coach will further develop your strengths to maximize your chances of earning that ticket and define a specific race-day strategy tailored to you. (more)


“After watching Ironman Hawaii World Championships in 2010 I decided that I’d really like to race there one day and that I should find a good coach who would help me to get there. I started working with ironguides in November 2010 with an objective to prepare me for Ironman UK as a qualifying race in July 2011. I gave it all and didn’t really know where I had finished: I was a bit puzzled by an email from my friend which I read on my phone at the finish line waiting for my wife Alicja saying, now start packing for Kona’. Only later when I asked for my finishing place and I was told I was 3rd, I realised that I had achieved in nine months what I though was a remote dream I might achieve in a few years but not in less than one season. This was not the end of the story: my wife finished 45 minutes later and she was also 3rd in her age group qualifying for Kona, under the same ironguides coach. We couldn’t believe it, we knew that ironguides’ approach really worked for us but it was a bit surreal that such a great improvement could be achieved in such a short period of time!” – Rafal Medak, ironguides Athlete, 2x Kona Qualifier

New Affiliate Programme

As an affiliate reseller of ironguides Training Plans, you earn 30% of every sale made from your website when a buyer clicks to purchase an ironguides Method Triathlon Training Plan. (more)

Coaching Service Offers – Monthly Subscription starting at $49/month

ironguides’ Method Triathlon Training Subscriptions give you a variety of online Triathlon Training subscription plans to choose from at a low monthly cost. Our Subscription plans are suited to those who want “just the plan” and want to train using the principles and techniques of The Method!


“I’ve always been self-coached but didn’t want the commitment of a coach while I was interested in following a structure that works. The subscription service is a great idea as I’m still able to train using The Method, while it fits my budget and gives me flexibility to change the focus from single discipline to the balanced programme as I progress into the season”

Keegan Scott

Free eBook: ironguides’ Triathlon Secrets, a superb tri resource

Download ironguides’ free ebook Triathlon Secrets and discover the secrets of Olympic medalists and Ironman champions.

Excerpts from Triathlon Secrets:

… an obsession with data took hold of me and began to displace the spontaneous joy I used to experience in training…

…The Method meant learning to read the body’s signals and knowing to trust one’s own intuitive understanding…

…enables you to develop a broad feel for the workings of your body. Like life, training by The Method is a qualitative experience!

…don’t waste time or energy readjusting to new, haphazard sessions and reconfiguring weekly schedules…

…train to maximum efficiency (for your situation) while optimizing recovery… [more]

Tri Gear

ironguides updated catalogue!  Check the photos out below or download our catalogue for more details. 

In This Issue


 Articles from the Coaches  


Featured ironguides athlete in Kona 2015


 Coaching Service Offers 

 Free eBook: ironguides’ Triathlon Secrets

 ironguides ffiliate programme 


 Tri Gear

Website Refresh

We refreshed our website! Did you notice? Check out our new look at

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Ironguides: The E-Kick August 2015



Our eKick this month has a variety of articles to help you with your training and racing! Check it out.

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August 2015

Dear athletes,

Our August newsletter brings you a mixed topics of articles and promotions.

Get ready for the winter with our complete guide to indoor cycling training, improve your marathon with our top 10 tips or learn the importance of neuromuscular development in your training.

We have also revised our affiliate programme, if you have a large following of triathletes you can earn with our training plan sales.

Our promotion of this monthly is our monthly subscription training plans starting at $49/month. 

Enjoy the read,

ironguides team

Articles from the Coaches

 Coach Woody: Stroke Rate – Cadence – Stride Frequency

One of the 5 systems we look to train when designing a program is called neuromuscular, this term simply means the link between brain and muscle. When we see a regular program we might expect to see sessions set to heart rate or effort levels and even power but the specifics of neuromuscular development are often left out, and with major consequence come race day.


 Coach Vinnie: Complete Guide – Improve your cycling for short and long races with indoor training 

In this article, we will explore the possibilities and benefits of indoor cycling training, which is a reality for many because of the convenience, security and lack of easily accessible locations in major cities for cycling workouts.. (more)

 Coach Shem: 10 Marathon Tips 

1. Taper – A well structured taper is essential to run a good one on race day. It gives your legs a chance to fully rest and “soak up” the many kilometres that have been put into them in training. It is NOT an excuse to do nothing and “Carbo- Load”- Please! There are many factors that will determine a good taper- training load, recent race history, recovery from injury, etc. As a rule of thumb, cut down on total weekly volume to 75%, 2 weeks out and then again to 50% in the 1 week leading up to race day. Retain some speed work and intensity to keep the specific neuro-muscular impulses firing – this will help maintain a high stride rate. (more)

Profiles: Bill Dobson – overweight to Ironman 70.3 Champion

Bill was a triathlete and marathoner on his teens and early 20`s, then switched his priority to his career in finances and with that you get the long working hours and unhealthy lifestyle habits. A few years after turning 40, Bill decided it was time for a change and has since then slowly changed his habits and lifestyle, although working as a CFO is never a relaxing job, Bill has managed to organize his schedule which allows him a 60-90min workout first thing in the morning on weekdays, and he does his long workouts on the weekends.


New Affiliate Programme

As an affiliate reseller of ironguides Training Plans, you earn 30% of every sale made from your website when a buyer clicks to purchase an ironguides Method Triathlon Training Plan. (more)

Coaching Service Offers – Monthly Subscription starting at $49/month

ironguides’ Method Triathlon Training Subscriptions give you a variety of online Triathlon Training subscription plans to choose from at a low monthly cost. Our Subscription plans are suited to those who want “just the plan” and want to train using the principles and techniques of The Method!


“I’ve always been self-coached but didn’t want the commitment of a coach while I was interested in following a structure that works. The subscription service is a great idea as I’m still able to train using The Method, while it fits my budget and gives me flexibility to change the focus from single discipline to the balanced programme as I progress into the season”

Keegan Scott

Free eBook: ironguides’ Triathlon Secrets, a superb tri resource

Download ironguides’ free ebook Triathlon Secrets and discover the secrets of Olympic medalists and Ironman champions.

Excerpts from Triathlon Secrets:

… an obsession with data took hold of me and began to displace the spontaneous joy I used to experience in training…

…The Method meant learning to read the body’s signals and knowing to trust one’s own intuitive understanding…

…enables you to develop a broad feel for the workings of your body. Like life, training by The Method is a qualitative experience!

…don’t waste time or energy readjusting to new, haphazard sessions and reconfiguring weekly schedules…

…train to maximum efficiency (for your situation) while optimizing recovery… [more]


Tri Gear

ironguides updated catalogue!  Check the photos out below or download our catalogue for more details. 

In This Issue


 Articles from the Coaches  


Bill Dobson: Overweight to 70.3 Champion


 Coaching Service Offers 

 Free eBook: ironguides’ Triathlon Secrets

 ironguides ffiliate programme 


 Tri Gear

Website Refresh

We refreshed our website! Did you notice? Check out our new look at

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ironguides – the e-Kick July 2015



Our eKick this month has a variety of articles to help you with your training and racing! Check it out.

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July 2015

Dear athletes,

Find out how Lyndsey Fraser won her first Ironman by one minute in the Athlete Profile section. Coach Woody has an article providing tips on how to get your training done at the same time as balancing other aspects in life.  From Coach Vinnie, an article on appropriate race day swim gear.  We now have training plans in Thai available at the link included below.


Enjoy the read,

ironguides team

Articles from the Coaches

 Coach Woody: Getting the job done

Triathlon training is very demanding on our time and even the best plan will create time issues when we have so many other at times uncontrollable issues to deal with such as family, jobs and general life! Coach Woody has tips on getting your training done while balancing with everything else.


 Coach Vinnie: Appropriate race day swim gear can make you swim faster

This article from Coach Vinnie was written based on years of watching age group triathletes in South East Asian races, in which the wetsuit isn’t legal as the water is just too hot. You will learn the options that you have when it comes to race day gear for the swim portion. (more)

Destination race special: Ironman Fortaleza, Brazil, November 8th, 2015

If you are looking for an exotic destination race, consider Ironman Fortaleza, in Brazil on November 8th. The inaugural race was held last year and it’s now the second full Ironman distance event in the country, the original Ironman Brazil in Florianopolis had its 15th edition this past May.

Profiles:  Lyndsey Fraser

If you are training for your first ironman, your only and main goal should be to complete the distance. Anything other than that is a bonus, no exception. To have any performance goals on your first race is a very risky strategy, since you will be focus on the outcome of the race instead on executing the important steps to do the best you can.

However, once in a while some first timers can do extremely well in their first attempt, the story below is from Lyndsey Fraser, a Scottish national living in Bangkok and working full time as a teacher, who I coached to her first ironman in Taiwan 2015. Lyndsey won her age group (F25-29) by less than one minute and took her qualifying slot to the ironman world championships in Kona, Hawaii


Specific Race Plans

ironguides has launched specific training plans for some of our readers favorite Ironman races. The plans were designed based on the conditions and needs of each course and will provide our athletes specific sessions that will get them race ready – Learn more about each plan:

Ironman Malaysia – English Language: Learn more, sales through our partner

Ironman Florianopolis – Portuguese language only : Learn more


Ironman Fortaleza – Portuguese language only: Learn more

New from ironguides: advanced level canned training plans

If you are a high performance amateur triathlete but you can’t afford hiring a coach, you have now the option to buy our advanced level canned training plans.

Learn more:

Coaching Service Offers

Beginners Coaching: Ironman as a first triathlon

If you have no experience in triathlon but would like to complete an ironman or half ironman, we can certainly help you. The key is to have realistic goals for the (half)ironman and to be disciplined about the preparations. With your commitment, ironguides can definitely guide you in this challenge. It would be a mistake to underestimate the challenge that half and full ironman distance brings for any triathlete, let alone an inexperienced one. However, with the right preparation, both physically and mentally, and a proper race plan that includes a tailored nutrition strategy, ironguides can get you to the start line feeling confident, excited and ready.  (more)

“Late in 2005 I found myself very motivated to start some physical training and I decided to take part in an Ironman in May 2006. However there were three major problems: 1, I had never done a triathlon; 2, I couldn’t swim (major issue!); 3, I had Diabetes. My first training session was a swim lesson on Dec. 12, 2005; I had to stop three times to swim across the very long 25-metre pool. My goal was very simple: to finish the ironman race within the 17-hour cutoff. I was improving weekly and two weeks before the event I swam 3.8k in 1h44’, that gave me the confidence I needed. On race day, after 16h38min, my goal was accomplished and I could call myself an ironman.”

Kener Assis, from beginner to ironman, May 2006

Intermediate: Busy Athletes

Life can be hectic. That doesn’t mean training for and racing in triathlons is impossible. If you’re a busy person, whether a novice or an experienced athlete, this is the training option for you. Your ironguides Coach will develop a training routine that is tailored to your limited amount of time available for swimming, cycling and running.


“My position as a CFO requires me to work 60 hours per week. My family commitments are my wife and three sons,  aged 16, 14 and 2.5. ironguides provides me with customized training plans which are structured around my busy work schedule.  These training plans have helped me maintain a high level of training volume with no injury down-time.  My coach also provides helpful nutritional advice and adapts my plans as and when my work demands result in increased stress levels.

I decided to work with ironguides in 2009 after I registered for my first Ironman. Since I was returning to the sport, after a 20+-year absence, I believed that ironguides would structure a customized training program for  me which would enable me achieve my lifetime goal of completing an Ironman, which I accomplished. My first race under ironguides was 2009 Ironman 70.3 Philippines with a first place finish in the 45-49 age group. ”

– Bill Dobson, ironguides Athlete, CFO & father of 3

Monthly Subscriptions: Bike Focus

The ironguides Bike Focus Triathlon Training Subscription program is perfect for the athlete who struggles with sluggish, uninspired cycling splits in their triathlon results. Much of your training time will focus on building bike strength and power, while maintaining or somewhat improving swim and run skills.


“I’ve always been self-coached but didn’t want the commitment of a coach while I was interested in following a structure that works. The subscription service is a great idea as I’m still able to train using The Method, while it fits my budget and gives me flexibility to change the focus from single discipline to the balanced programme as I progress into the season”

Keegan Scott

Training plans now available in Thai

ironguides training plans are now available in Thai and can be found here.

ironguides Brazil now on Facebook

Now ironguides Brazil has its own Facebook Page with content in Portuguese.

Agora, a ironguides Brasil tem sua própria página no Facebook, conteúdo em Português.

Free eBook: ironguides’ Triathlon Secrets, a superb tri resource

Download ironguides’ free ebook Triathlon Secrets and discover the secrets of Olympic medalists and Ironman champions.

Excerpts from Triathlon Secrets:

… an obsession with data took hold of me and began to displace the spontaneous joy I used to experience in training…

…The Method meant learning to read the body’s signals and knowing to trust one’s own intuitive understanding…

…enables you to develop a broad feel for the workings of your body. Like life, training by The Method is a qualitative experience!

…don’t waste time or energy readjusting to new, haphazard sessions and reconfiguring weekly schedules…

…train to maximum efficiency (for your situation) while optimizing recovery… [more]


Tri Gear

ironguides updated catalogue!  Check the photos out below or download our catalogue for more details. 

Tritops – price

ironguides coached athlete price 55 USD

non coached athlete 75 USD

Bike jersey – price

ironguides coached athlete price 45 USD

non coached athlete 65 USD

In This Issue


 Articles from the Coaches  


Lyndsey Fraser


 Specific Race Plans

• Advanced level canned training plans

 Coaching Service Offers 

 Training plans now available in Thai

 ironguides Brazil now on Facebook

 Free eBook: ironguides’ Triathlon Secrets


 Tri Gear: 2014 trisuit and bike jersey are ready 

Website Refresh

We refreshed our website! Did you notice? Check out our new look at

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Destination race special: Ironman Fortaleza in Brazil, November 8th 2015

If you are looking for an exotic destination race, consider Ironman Fortaleza, in Brazil on November 8th. The inaugural race was held last year and it’s now the second full Ironman distance event in the country, the original Ironman Brazil in Florianopolis had its 15th edition this past May.

Fortaleza is in the north east of the country, the region is one of Brazil’s most popular tourism destinations due to its white sand beaches and coconut palm trees, if you are looking for a hot weather race, this won’t disappoint you. Learn more about Fortaleza, what to do there and how to get there in the part two of this destinational race special, for part one lets talk about the course and what makes it so challenge and a rewarding experience.


The one loop swim happens at Iracema beach, the city’s most popular beach and convenient located by the hosting hotel and downtown Fortaleza.

It’s a non-wetsuit swim but relatively fast, in 2014 Balazs Csoke was the first out of the water in 49:49 while Haley Chura led the women’s field in 51:52.

It’s a one wave start and the the organizers expect just over one thousand athletes in 2015.



“A picture paints a thousand words”


At this two lap course, you can expect a wind tunnel in Fortaleza, it’s one of the world’s best destination for Kite surfing and its right during the wind season!

With that in mind, avoid disc wheels or deep rim wheels, this doesn’t necessarily makes the bike course slow, Eneko Llanos rode a 4h27 last year for the best bike split of the day, while Haley Chura had the best female bike split in 4h57.

The course is flat with some gentle rolling hills. You get to experience it all, riding out from the city, then on the coast line and in the “Brazilian outback”, a deserted and hot part inland.



The three loop run will be the most challenging part of the day due to the heat that can go in the high 30’s. With the multi loop run, the athletes should expect to have some local cheering support more often, easing the challenges from the heat, aid stations are provided every 2km.

The run is on the coastline of Iracema beach for 10km out of 14k of each lap, making it for nice views. Fortaleza is also known as the “Brazilian Gold Coast”, the analogy comes from the high rises by the beach front.

In 2014, only one athlete broke the three hour mark and most age groupers struggled to go below four hours, so adjust your expectations and training accordingly


As an early season race, Fortaleza also provides a chance to high performance athletes to have a better chance at qualifying to the world championships, plus it offers 50 slots for age groupers! If it doesn’t work, you can still race another Ironman early in the semester fully fresh, or if you qualify, then recovering for Kona the year after.

Does that sounds interesting? Read article 2 and learn more about Fortaleza, what to do there and how to get there.

Part 2

you will learn more about the traveling and things to do there.

Getting to Fortaleza

Via São Paulo (Guarulhos – GRU) – Brazil’s airport hub. From Asia, you can fly to the middle east, Europe or South Africa, then get a connecting flight to Sao Paulo. Singapore Airlines also offers a direct flight with a quick stop in Spain.

Via Rio de Janeiro – A second option is flying to Rio de Janeiro, while the airport doesn’t offer as many choices to and out of Brazil, it may fit with your tourism plans if you plan to visit Brazil’s most famous city.

Once in Sao Paulo or Rio de Janeiro, there are multiple daily flights to Fortaleza. The local airlines are: TAM (Oneworld), GOL, Avianca e Azul.

Direct flights to Fortaleza – there are 4 international flights:

TAM flies to/from Miami
TAP flies to/from Lisbon
Condor flies to/from Frankfurt
Avianca flies to/from Bogota

Once you land in Fortaleza, the hotels area is only a quick ride away (approx 20USD).

Where to Stay

The best option is the hosting hotel Marina Plaza. That’s where all the action is: race start, transition areas, finish area, expo, registration and awards.

The second best option is staying somewhere around Iracema beach, there are plenty of hotels options of all budgets, and plenty of restaurants and shopping malls. Avoid staying at the Futuro Beach, while a common tourist destination is far from the race site.

What to do in Fortaleza

Beach Park – one of Brazil’s largest aquatic park at Fortaleza’s main beach. A great option for a family holidays.

Morro Branco beach – One of the region’s most famous beach.

Kitesurfing – Jericoacara itself is worth a visit, but November is the beginning of the kitesurfing season and one of the world’s best location for this sport. Kitesurfing schools also available.

Morro Branco beach (cr: Trip Advisor)


Gallery from 2014 race:


Race website


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